28th JANUL Symposium: Issues surrounding e-journal subscription - For sustainable scholarly information circulation -

27th JANUL Symposium: Thinking about the future environment of university libraries

Eastern Japan

Western Japan

26th JANUL Symposium: Learning Commons, how different in Japan and the United States? - To redefine the role of the Learning Commons -

25th JANUL Symposium: To encourage student learning activities - Learning Commons as a practice and philosophy

24th JANUL Symposium: Rethink about Learning Commons

23rd JANUL Symposium: E-book and University library

22nd JANUL Symposium: Strength and weakness of university library staffs : Discuss their core competency

Eastern Japan

Western Japan

21st JANUL Symposium: Learn from the users : towards unique and diverse library services

Eastern Japan

Western Japan

20th JANUL Symposium: To you who seek a career as a librarian : towards desirable career path systems

Eastern Japan

Western Japan

Towards the Reform of Scholarly Information Distribution : Electronic journals will not be able to be read, 2

19th JANUL Symposium: Training in the overseas university for the young librarians: Towards for making global librarian network

Eastern Japan

Western Japan

Towards the Reform of Scholarly Information Distribution : Electronic journals will not be able to be read

18th JANUL Symposium: Institutional Repository: Exploring a New Direction for the Scholarly Communication

Eastern Japan   [Japanese only]

Western Japan   [Japanese only]

17th JANUL Symposium: University Reform and the Way of University Library after the Corporatization

Eastern Japan   [Japanese only]

Western Japan   [Japanese only]

16th ANUL Symposium: University Library Management after the Corporatization

Eastern Japan   [Japanese only]

Western Japan   [Japanese only]

15th ANUL Symposium: Development and Prospects of International Scholarly Communication

Eastern Japan   [Japanese only]

Western Japan   [Japanese only]

1st to 14th ANUL Symposium    [Japanese only]