FY2008 Business Plan

June 26, 2008


1. Tasks of director libraries

  1. General Affairs: Organization and operation of the Association and liaison and coordination between other Japanese organizations
  2. Human Resources: Education and training of staffs
  3. International Affairs: Works for international operations
  4. Scholarly Information: Works for scholarly information resources

2. Main activities of the committees

  1. Committee on General Affairs (Permanent)
    Planning of organization, operation and publicity, and works for the JANUL Award.
    New activity plans and Priority issues
    Review of "what the association should be"
  2. Committee on Human Resources (Permanent)
    Planning and carrying out of educational programs for training national libraries staffs, and examination of treatment of library staffs
    New activity plans and Priority issues
    Review of "what the operation for human resources should be"
    Making a model of career path
    Review of the recruitment and education of library staffs
  3. Committee on International Scholarly Communication (Permanent)
    Expanding Global ILL/DD, continuous cooperation with SPARC, and works for international scholarly communication
    New activity plans and Priority issues
    Improving the Global ILL/DD and skill up of the ILL staffs
    Exchange of information and cooperation with the concerned parties both within the country and abroad
  4. Committee on Scholarly Information (Permanent)
    Examination of the trend and issues of developing and diversifying scholarly information media to collect, provide and conserve scholarly information uninterruptedly and stably
    New activity plans and Priority issues
    Review of the policy and business organization for contracting negotiation with publishers
    Review and realization of organizations and systems to realize the ideal scholarly information service for university library (includes cooperation with NII)
  5. Working Group for the Reform of Scholarly Information Distribution (Continue to 2008)
    Examination of plans and resolutions to establish the continuous access to e-journals toward the reforming scholarly information distribution.
    New activity plans and Priority issues
    Hold a symposium and workshop and try to find a way to break through

3. Selection and commendation of JANUL Award

4. Continuous operation of Overseas Training Project and examination of the future of the project

This is a final year of this project. Examine the continuity of the project and a possible budget.

5. Hold a Symposium on Reforming Scholarly Information Distribution

  1. Date
    13:30 to 17:00 on May 1, 2008, Thursday
  2. Venues
    Koshiba Memorial Hall, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
  3. Theme
    Reforming the Scholarly Information Distribution - You might not be able to access any e-journals?!

6. Hold a Management Seminar

  1. Date
    13:00 to 17:00 on June 25, 2008, Wednesday
  2. Venues
    Sendai International Center
  3. Theme
    University Library as the Scholarly Information Infrastructure - toward the next middle-term goal and plans.

7. Hold a JANUL Symposium

  1. Date
    September or October, 2008
  2. Venues and Date
    West: Kyoto University Library
    East: University of Tokyo Library
  3. Theme
    For the all staffs wish to make ones career as library staff - seeking an ideal career path system

8. Hold a explanatory meeting of the Electronic Journal Taskforce

Follow up the symposium on reforming the scholarly information distribution held on May 1, 2008 and examine the policy of the future activities. Hold a explanatory meeting of the Electronic Journal Taskforce as need demands.

9. Promotion of the Regional Associations

To activate the cavities of the regional association, promote the business expense to excellent operation plans.

10. Review of the state of the Association

Evaluate the current status of the association and check the following points mainly at the Committee on General Affairs.

  1. Election method of the President, Vice-President and Auditors; the role of each director; the Committee
  2. The number of directors and division of the regional association
  3. How to activate the General Assembly