FY2007 Business Plan

June 28, 2007


1. Tasks of Director Libraries

  1. General Affairs (3 libraries): Organization and operation of the Association and liaison and coordination between other Japanese organizations
  2. Human Resources (4 libraries): Education and training of staffs
  3. International Affairs (2 libraries): Works for international operations
  4. Scholarly Information (3 libraries): Works for scholarly information resources

2. Main activities of the Committees

  1. Committee on General Affairs (Permanent)
    Planning of organization, operation and publicity, and works for the JANUL Award.
    New activity plans and Priority issues
    Review of the organization, operation and general Assembly for the near futures
  2. Committee on International Scholarly Communication (Permanent)
    Expanding Global ILL/DD, continuous cooperation with SPARC, and works for international scholarly communication
    New activity plans and Priority issues
    Stable operation of ISO ILL linking and Payment System of Japan-Korean ILL
  3. Committee on Human Resources (Permanent)
    Planning and carrying out of educational programs for training national libraries staffs, and examination of treatment of library staffs
    New activity plans and Priority issues
    Planning and carrying out of skill developmental training courses for library staffs
  4. Committee on Scholarly Information (Permanent)
    Examination of the trend and issues of developing and diversifying scholarly information media to collect, provide and conserve scholarly information uninterruptedly and stably
    New activity plans and Priority issues
    Making the official opinion of the Association on the electronic library resources
    Review of the policy and business organization for contracting negotiation with publishers
    Collection of demands for the update of NACSIS CAT/ILL system based on future library systems

3. Selection and Commendation of JANUL Award

4. Operation of Overseas Training Project

5. Operation of Management Seminar

  1. Date
    13:00 to 16:40 on June 27, 2007, Wednesday
  2. Venues
    Institute of System LSI Design Industry, Fukuoka
  3. Theme
    Library viewed from university management

6. Organization of the JANUL Symposium

  1. Venues and Date
    West: Osaka University Library, September 5, 2007, Wednesday
    East: Tsukuba University Library, September 19, 2007, Wednesday
  2. Theme
    Training in the overseas university for the young librarians: Towards for making global librarian network

7. Operation of regional explanatory meetings of the Electronic Journal Taskforce

  1. Purport
    1. Share information and consciousness about contract and terms of use of electronic journals
      • Explaining trends of publishers centering on FY2008 to 2010 contract
    2. Grasping the situation of electronic journals contract in the each region.
    3. Concrete explanation of note in contract to the person in charge
    4. Trends of e-books
  2. Date
    Scheduled in September or October, 2007. Concrete schedules will be decided after coordinating with each regional director library.

8. Review of the state of Directors and Committees

  1. Structure of tasks of director and committees
    • Consideration of the balance of the roles between the committees, and training of young library staffs
    • The state of the Electronic Journal Taskforce
      (includes strengthening the secretariat of the Taskforce)
  2. Process of making of operational plans
    • Change of the election method of director libraries
      (from the election of director candidates to the election of directors at the Regional Assembly in Spring)
    • Director libraries for the next year make operational plans at the Board Meeting in Spring