54th General Assembly held

picture of the President Saigo The 54th General Assembly of the Japan Association of National University Libraries was held at JAL Resort Sea Hawk Hotel (Fukuoka) on June 28, 2007 hosted by Kyushu University Library.
After the opening address by Professor Kazuhiko Saigo, President of JANUL, the greeting from Professor Tisato Kajiyama, President of Kyushu University and Professor Setsuo Arikawa, Director of Kyushu University Library. Before the proceedings, Professor Yata, Director of Niigata University Library and Professor Hayakawa, Director of Kagoshima University Library were nominated as the chairperson and the vice-chairperson, respectively and got approval.

In the proceeding, there was firstly the progress report of the Association's activities after the 53rd General Assembly last June.
Then the following issues were discussed: election of the Directors; approval of the report on the accounts of JANUL in FY2006 and its audit; approval of the report on the accounts of JANUL Award and its audit; approval of the proposed business plans for FY2007; approval of the proposed budget for FY2007; and so on.

Picture of Mr. Katsuno, Director of Information Division, Research Promotion Bureau, MEXT Next, Mr. Yorihiko Katsuno, Director of Information Division, Research Promotion Bureau, MEXT explained the recent moves about national universities, the moves about academic research, especially the activities of the Subdivision on Science, Council for Science and Technology, the recent moves about scholarly information infrastructures, budgetary request for FY2008, and so on.
Further, the awarding ceremony of 2007 JANUL Award was performed and Shimane University Library won the award on their information disseminating activities in "the project for holding exhibitions, lectures and symposium about the rare books and publication of their results."
In the afternoon, workshops was held and the following three topics were discussed actively: library management, human resources system and training of library staffs; future course of library systems and user services; operation and promotion of institutional repository. The results of the discussion were reported in the plenary session for summarizing the General Assembly.