2003 3rd Board meeting held

picture of 3rd board meeting 2003 3rd Board meeting of the Association of National University Libraries, Japan was held at the School of Engineering, Nagoya University on October 30.
The state of operations after the General Assembly, including the state of the operational plans and the activity progress of the Ad-Hoc Committees and Projects were reported.
There was active discussion about many issues toward the inauguration of JANUL in April 2004, such as the proposed new bylaws, the proposed English name of the new Association, the proposed new organizational chart, revision and abolition of the rules, details of the next General Assembly, holding plan for the GIF Workshop.
It was decided to inform again current issues of university library administration to the regional associations, such as an idea of advancing using of the document image transfer system, response to the Freedom of Information Act, the setoff system for document photocopying charges, and reorganization of the official organization.
On the same day, the Executive Board meeting, ANUL Award Selection Committee meeting, and the Ad-Hoc Committee on International Scholarly Communication meeting were also held.